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Main gallery re-opens alongside launch of annual theme Sensual/Virtual...

8 October 2019

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Cinderella poster

For the first time, the Beggarstaff Brothers cutting-edge graphic posters will go on show, alongside their finest individual works as painters, many lent from private collections. The exhibition will ...

22 April 2019

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Whistler Nocturne

The Gentle Art: Friends and strangers and Palaces in the Night: The urban landscape in Whistler’s prints explore the Museum's collection of etchings, drypoints and lithographs by James McNeill Whist...

20 March 2019

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Nespawershefyt's coffin set

The Fitzwilliam Museum launches a new website to share the results of its in-depth study of the ancient Egyptian coffins collection. ...

20 March 2019

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Discover how coins and medals change, and were used, as the kingdoms of England and Scotland came together....

28 February 2019

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Whistler's Nocturne

The exhibition is developed by Compton Verney, in partnership with The Hunterian, University of Glasgow....

10 January 2019

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