In general, only the principal modern references for the numismatic content of each find are cited, i.e. Thompson's Inventory of British Coin Hoards A.D. 600- 1500 (1956) and subsequent publications. The number in Dolley's 1966 hoard listing ("D.") is given first, followed by that in the Inventory ("Inv."). Articles by Dolley are cited by reference to the numbered bibliography of his works originally published in Anglo-Saxon Monetary History and summarised within the current Bibliography.
0a. Inv. -; Coin Hoards 1998, no. 27; Abdy 2002; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 1; Abdy 2006.
0b. Inv. -; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 2; Abdy 2002, no. 65. Three coin pendants (one base-silver Roman coin and two pseudo-imperial Gallic gold coins) and a piece of silver.
1. Inv. -; Rigold 1975, 665, nos. 3-12. Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 3; At least ten tremisses, said to be of Justin I, and if so they would be Ostrogothic or Frankish derivatives.
2. Inv. -; Rigold 1975, 667, no. 43a; Blackburn 1988. Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 4; Three fifth-century silver coins from Gaul (tpq c. 475) and a Roman bronze coin, pierced for suspension as ornaments, were found in a grave dated c. 530/40.
3. Inv. -; Grierson 1952; Hawkes, Merrick, and Metcalf 1966, 104-6; SCBI Merseyside, xvi-xviii, nos. 5-10; Rigold 1975, nos. 16, 46, 65, 73, 77, 115. Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 5. Five or six looped coins with other ornaments from a necklace presumed to be a grave find. The coins as a group date to c. 580-90, but the mounts suggest a deposit c. 625.
4. Inv. -; Rigold 1975, 668-71, nos. 47?, 48-9, 51, 66, 69, 78; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 6.
5. Inv. -; Rigold 1975, 688, nos. 54, 56, 58-9; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 9.
5a. Inv. -; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 7; Two Merovingian gold tremisses. One has moneyer's name of Ioannes of Cadolidi/Capolidi with the other being of Vitalis of Paris. For further details of the site see
6. Inv. 347; Kent 1975 (superseding previous accounts); Brown 1981; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 10.
7. Inv. 106; Sutherland 1948; additions and corrections in Grierson 1953 and Grierson 1970; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 11.
8. Inv. -; Hawkes, Merrick, and Metcalf 1966, 111-13; Rigold 1975, 672-3, nos. 85, 98; SCBI Merseyside, nos. 17-18; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 12.
8a. Inv. -; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 8; Treasure Annual Report 1998-1999, no. 321. Coin Hoards 2000, no. 43.
9. Inv. -; Sutherland 1948, 94, nos. 75a-c; Grierson 1962; Tweddle and Moulden 1992; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 13.
10. Inv. -; Hawkes, Merrick, and Metcalf 1966, 115-16; Rigold 1975, 669, 676, nos. 62, 132; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 14.
10a. Coin Hoards 1998, no. 36. An extraordinary group of four solidi of the 5th-7th centuries found in one field. Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 15. It is here suggested that they may be a series of single finds due to the variety of type.
10b. Geake 1997, 179. Two early pennies of Series Pa III, one a base forgery. Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 16
11. Rigold 1960, 51; Kent in Evison 1987, pp.180-1; Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 251; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 17. Two Pa early pennies in grave 110.
11a. Rigold 1960, 51; Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 261; Abdy and Williams 2006, no. 18. Two Pa III early pennies.
12. Inv. -; Rigold 1977; Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 256.
12a. Treasure Annual Report 2005-6, no. 224:1. 8 Series A, 12 Series B I and 1 possible series B II sceatta plus a blue glass bead, an iron knife, 3 handles, a key, a socketed spearhead and a pottery vessel.
12b. Treasure Annual Report 2005-6, no. 224:5. 8 Series A and 6 Series B I sceattas plus a gold scutiform disc-pendant and an iron knife.
12c. Treasure Annual Report 2005-6, no. 224:6. 5 Series A and 7 Series B I sceattas plus a copper-alloy pin, 2 yellow beads and other corroded metal objects.
12d. Treasure Annual Report 2005-6, no. 224:9. 10 Series A and 7 Series B I sceattas plus a copper-alloy strap.
13. Inv. -; Blunt 1979a; Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 253.
14. Inv. 43; Rigold 1960, hoard II; Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 256. Possibly a group of single-finds rather than a hoard, although chronologically they are reasonably compact.
14a. Webster and Backhouse 1991, 51-3; Geake 1997, 9 and 177. One Merovingian solidus of Sigebert III (634-56) and one early penny of Series B.
14b. Geake 1997, 21 and 170; Blackburn 2000. Two early pennies, one series BIb and one imitation of BIc.
15. Rigold 1960, hoard X; Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 251-2.
16. Rigold 1960, hoard I; Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 247.
17. Rigold 1960, hoard III; Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 246.
18. Rigold 1960, hoard VI; Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 263.
19. Rigold 1960, hoard VII; Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 247.
19a. Treasure Annual Report 2003, no. 389. 2 Contemporary plated imitations of Anglo-Saxon Series B coins.
19b. Treasure Annual Report 2005-6, no. 1155. Coin Hoards 2008,1 no. 48. 4 Anglo-Saxon Sceattas (1 Series A and 3 Series B) plus a gold-plated base-metal imitation Merovingian gold tremissis.
19c. Treasure Annual Report 2001, no. 73. A grave find with a gold coin pendant of DAGOBERT I (Arles mint, 629-39) in addition to silver rings, beads and a Series B sceatta.
19d. Treasure Annual Report 2001, no. 73. Two or more silver series B sceattas, possibly within a small bag, in a grave.
20. Rigold 1975, no. 13; Rigold and Metcalf 1984; Metcalf 1984, 193-4.
21. Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 246.
22. Blackburn and Bonser 1986, nos 20-1. Two coins of Series J (Rigold BIIIA) adhering to one another.
22a. Three Series E early pennies found stuck together in March 1998. (Colchester Museums, Accessions Numbers 1999.54.1-3.) Treasure Annual Report 1998-9, 322. In addition to the three in Colchester Museum, three other were found by the finder between 1995 and 1997 on the site. These were not declared treasure trove. (Series D, type 8 variant, 1.12g; Series E, 1.18g; Series F, 1.00g) Coin Hoards 1999, no. 47. Here the coins are described as three Frisian type E coins.
22b. Two fused Series E "stepped cross" early pennies. Blackburn and Bonser 1986, no. 20 and 21. The site has produced 40+ further coins to those published in 1986 all of which are unpublished. Coins acquired by Fitzwilliam Museum.
23. Rigold 1960, hoard VIII; Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 252.
23a. Information from M. M. Archibald.
23b. Coin Hoards 2009, no. 62.
24. Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 262; Pagan 1988, 61-2 (expressing doubt about the claimed composition of this hoard)
25. Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 262-3; Metcalf 1988, 29-31.
26. Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 267; SCBI South-Eastern Museums (42) 485-6.
27. Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 248-9.
28. Rigold and Metcalf 1984, 254.
28a. Coin Hoards 1997, no. 45.
29. D.28-9; Inv. -; Metcalf 1969, 92; Richardson 1984, showing that this was a single hoard of sceattas, not two of stycas.
29a. Lowick, NC 1973, p. 177 n. 15; Duplessy, RN 1956, 101-64, at p. 124, no. 12; NC 1st series 9 (1846-7), p. 85. Two Islamic gold coins, only one of which was identified. It was said to be a dinar of the Umayyad caliph Hisham (AD 724-43), but since Umayyad dinars are anonymous and the year was not read, it can only be dated to the general period in which such dinars were issued, viz. AD 696-750. M.A.S.B.
30. Archibald, BNJ 1986. Archibald 1995.
31. D. -; Inv. -; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxi; Pirie 1986b, no. 35.
32. D. -; Inv. -; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxi; Pirie 1986b, no. 34.
33. D. 19; Inv. -; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxi; Pirie 1986b, no. 38.
34. D. 31; Inv. 96; SCBI Edinburgh, xx; Pirie 1986b, no. 110. A Boat Burial.
35. D. 32; Inv. -; Metcalf 1960, 93-4; Pirie 1986b, no. 95.
36. D. 35; Inv. -; Metcalf 1960, 96; Pirie 1986b, no. 94.
37. D. 38; Inv. 302; Metcalf 1960, 98; SCBI Edinburgh, viii, xxii; Pirie 1986b, no. 97. The association with this find of parcels of "stycas" given to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland by Alexander Copland in 1782 and by Selkirk Stewart in 1783 is, as indicated SCBI loc. cit., "at best a possibility"; Copland was a landowner in Dumfriesshire and Kirkcudbrightshire, not in Renfrewshire, and it is conceivable, despite the apparent difference in the metal of the coins concerned, that his gift derived from the "leather bag, containing silver coins of the Saxon heptarchy, and a silver crucifix" allegedly found in Lochar Moss, outside Dumfries, around 1770 (Walker 1803, 16).
38. D. 13; Inv. 188; Bailey 1974; Pagan 1974b; Sugden and Warhurst 1979; Pirie 1981, 44; Pirie 1982a, 3, 6; Pagan 1982b; Pirie 1986b, no. 78. See also SCBI Mack, x.
39. D. 33; Inv. -; Metcalf 1960, 94; Pirie 1986b, no. 100.
39a. Inv. -; Treasure Annual Report 1998-9, 323. Pirie 2004. Additional Parcel: Treasure Annual Report 2004, 457. Coin Hoards 2000, no. 44 and 2007, no. 58.
39b. Coin Hoards 2009, no. 63.
40. D. 17/18; Inv. 317; Metcalf 1960, 99; Pirie 1982b; Pirie 1986b, nos 42-3.
41. D. 34; Inv. 225; Wilson 1964, 139-40; Pirie 1982a, 2-3, 5; Pirie 1986b, no. 96.
42. D. 15; Inv. 391; Pirie 1981, 44-6; Pirie 1986b, no. 36.
43. D. 14 (1847 parcel); Inv. 364 (1847 parcel); Pagan 1973a (1967 parcel); Pirie 1981 (1847 parcel); Pirie 1986b, nos 40-1.
44. D. -; Inv. -; CH 7 (1985), no. 535; Pirie 1986b, no. 12 and 39.
45. D. 12/20; Inv. -; Metcalf 1957, 199-201; Dolley (418) 1966; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxi, xxxiii; Pirie 1986b, no. 31. The association by Dolley of some individual Carolingian coins in the former Winchester Cathedral collection with this hoard is open to question.
46. D. 49; Inv. 349; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, 78; SCBI Edinburgh, xii-xiii, xxiii; Graham-Campbell 1976b, 118, 127; Pirie 1986b, no. 107. Graham-Campbell 2001, 20-6. Graham-Campbell 2004.
46a. Treasure Annual Report 2005-6, no. 1156. Coin Hoards 1997, no. 46. Called the Bedale hoard in the Treasure Annual Report 1997-1998, no. 140.
47. D. 1; Inv. 125; SCBI BM H/N, 20 n. 9.
48. D. 4; Inv. 117; Pagan and Rhodes 1962; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, 77.
48a. TTRCAR, 1996-7, no. 30. Five coins: 1 Coenwulf, 2 Ceolwulf, 1 Beornwulf, 1 Æthelstan of East Anglia. One in Fitzwilliam Museum.
49. D. 2; Inv. -; Blunt, Lyon, and Stewart 1963, 43-5; Pagan 1977.
50. D. 5; Inv. 366; Dolley (715) 1976; CH 4 (1978), 104, no. 342.
51. D. 9; Inv. 109; SCBI Edinburgh, xix; Graham-Campbell 1976b, 117-18, 127. Coins include: BLS Cn. 19b.
52. Cf. D. 26; cf. Inv. 182; Dolley and Skaare (272) 1961, 66; Blunt 1972a, 9 n.1. Pagan 1988b.
53. D. 6; Inv. 276: Dolley (277) 1961; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, 78; Hall 1974, 71.
54. D. 7; Inv. 328; Dolley and Skaare (272) 1961, 64; Wilson 1964, 167-71; Blunt 1972a.
54a. Coin Register 1996 no. 202. Four coins fused together, two identifiable as of Æthelwulf.
55. D. 3; Inv. 305; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, 78; Dykes 1976, 27, no. 1.
56. D. 8; Inv. -; Seaby 1959, 2501; Hall 1974, 73; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 61-2.
56a. Amgueddfa 1997, pp. 33-4. Finds include pennies of Cynethryth (Coin Register 1989, no. 75), Wulfred of Canterbury (CR 1991: 125), Louis the Pious (CR 1991: 116), Charles the Bald (CR 1991: 118). In addition a further parcel is described by the Treasure Annual Report 1998-1999, no. 325. These are three Carolingian Deniers dating 814-40, 839-52 and 848-77. A further coin (Charles the Bald fragment) was discovered in 2001, Annual Treasure Report 2001, no. 205.
56b. Treasure Annual Report 2002, no. 214. 3 Anglo-saxon fused pennies. The visible obverse is of King Berhtwulf of Mercia. The reverse identification is problematic but may be BMC type 135, moneyer Sigeheah.
57. D. 10; Inv. 110; Dolley and Skaare (272) 1961, 65.
58. D. 11; Inv. 123; Dolley and Skaare (272) 1961, 65-6; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, 78; Blunt 1972b; Pagan 1982a, 55 n.6. Pagan 1998.
58a. Information from R. Naismith. 3 silver coins of a possibly larger hoard.
58b. Treasure Annual Report 2004, no. 458. Coin Hoards 2007, no. 59. Coin Hoards 2010 , no. 59. Four coins of Edmund, North 458 type by moneyer Ethelwulf and Sigered.
59. D. 50; Inv. 362; Wilson and Blunt 1961; Wilson 1964, 179-91; Pagan 1982a, pp.61-2.
60. D. 26; Inv. 182. The manuscript letter referred to by Dolley (SCBI H/N, 21 n.20) is one dated 10 Nov. 1836 from Richard Sainthill to the Very Rev. H. R. Dawson.
61. D. 25; Inv. 315; Sherlock 1956. Graham-Campbell 2004.
62. D. 23; Inv. 190.
63. D. 22; Inv. -; Dolley (310) 1961.
63a. Pagan, BNJ 1986b, p. 209, notes this hoard contained "7 pennies of Burgred, early and middle periods". Keen 1986, 95.
64. D. 43; Inv. 176; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 221; Wilson 1964, 134-5; Pagan 1982a, 56 n.8.
65. D. 47; Inv. 256; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 221; Dolley (265) 1960, 4.
66. D. 46; Inv. 82; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 221.
67. D. 40; Inv. 111; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 222-34; Spufford 1961, 214-15; Brooks and Graham-Campbell, 1986. Brooks and Graham-Campbell 2000. Graham-Campbell, 2004.
68. D. -; Inv. -; Pagan 1965, 24. One further coin from this hoard is in the Hugh Goodacre collection on loan to the Ashmolean Museum.
69. D. 27; Inv. -; Dolley (265) 1960, 43; Stott 1991, p. 321. SCBI South-Eastern Museums, nos. 648-9, 656 and 658 (as found 'in the Thames at Wandsworth')
70. D. -; Inv. -; Biddle et al., 1986a. The coins were found among disarticulated bones in a mass burial. While it is not certain that they constitute a single hoard, they appear at least to have been lost or deposited on the same occasion.
70a. Pagan, BNJ 1988, p. 179, notes this hoard contained "7 AR pennies fused together in pile, Burgred (and possibly Alfred?)".
71. D. -; Inv. -; Pagan, BNJ 1986a, pp. 16-19. Graham-Campbell, 2004, 42-3.
71a. Pagan's presidential address in BNJ 1986, p. 209, notes this hoard contained "2 pennies of Burgred, 1 of Æthelred I and 6 of Ælfred, all of lunette type", and adds M. Archibald's comment "late, but excludes latest of the lunettes".
71b. Coin Hoards 1997, no. 47; Treasure Annual Report 1996-7, 19; Treasure Annual Report 1998-1999, 324. Lamb 1998, 246-7; Hillaby 2000.
72. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (430) 1967; Hall 1974, 73.
73. D. 39; Inv. 40; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 220; Wilson 1964, 119-22; SCBI Midlands, xx (an additional coin). Graham-Campbell 2004.
74. D. 41; Inv. 146; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 221; SCBI Mack, xii. Previously, our knowledge of this hoard was based on the description of 15 Lunettes pennies (7 of Alfred, 2 of Æthelred I and 6 of Burgred) offered for sale by Spink (NCirc 1924, col. 154) said to be 'A few Anglo-Saxon coins from a find when pulling down Dunsforth Church in 1860'. Fuller information is to be found in K.M. Reynolds, The History of Lower Dunsforth (Aldborough, 1975), which states: 'In 1861, in digging the sunk fence between the new school and the school yard, 30 perfect pennies of the reign of King Alfred were found.' We are grateful to Dr George Calvin, Churchwarden at Lower Dunsforth, for this reference, and he explains that a new schoolroom adjoining the church was built in 1861, when the old church was also replaced by the present building. M.A.S.B.
75. D. 44; Inv. -; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 221.
76. D. 42; Inv. 167; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 221; Pagan 1966.
76a. Coin Hoards 1997, no. 48.
78. D. 48; Inv. -; Metcalf 1960, 99.
78a. Treasure Annual Report 2004, no. 137. 10 coins (7 Burgred, 2 Alfred 'lunette' types and one dirham fragment AD 690-749) plus gold, silver, copper-alloy, lead and iron. Possibly a productive site.
77. D. 45; Inv. -; SCBI BM H/N, 21 n.23.
Said to contain a Charles IMPERATOR AUGUSTA, St Géry (MG 1445) which must be
after 876 and perhaps after 881 if it is of Charles the Fat. Listing cited by
Dolley and Morrison not traced among Banks MSS in BM.
79. D. 51; Inv. -; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 234; Dolley (351) 1963.
79a. Blackburn and Keynes 1998, p. 127. 3 pennies of Ceolwulf II of Mercia.
80. D. -; Inv. -; Lyon 1969, 225; SCBI South-Eastern Museums, p. 13.
81. D. 52; Inv. -; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 234; Dolley (265) 1960, 5; Pagan 1983.
82. D. 53; Inv. -; Grierson 1957; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 235; Dolley (265) 1960, 7.
82a. 3 London Monogram Halfpennies, Viking Imitations. Inf. John Newman.
83. D. 54; cf. Inv. 197; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 235-8. The coins were found "in the hollow of the left shoulder of a skeleton that had been buried with horse and sword" (Brooke 1930, 283 n.1).
84. D. -; Inv. -; Blackburn 1985. Blackburn 2005.
84a. D. -; Inv. -; Kenny in NCirc 1994, p. 156. Blackburn 2007, no. 15.
84b. D. -; Inv. -; Blackburn 2007, no. 16. See Appendix 3 for full description of hoard. Consists of an Anglo-Saxon penny, Dirham fragment and 5 pieces of cut ingot.
85. D. 55; Inv. 339; Grierson 1957; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 239; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, 79. Blackburn 2005.
86. D. -; Inv. -; Grierson and Blackburn 1986, nos. 1395A-B.
87. D. 56; Inv. 112; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 2406; Lyon and Stewart 1961; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, 80; Pagan 1972; Dolley and Talvio (643) 1974; Lowick 1976; Sugden and Warhurst 1978; Talvio 1980; Dolley and Shiel (839) 1982; Dhenin and Leclercq 1982; Blunt 1983; Archibald 1985a. Graham-Campbell 1992. Graham-Campbell 2001b.
88. D. 57; Inv. 129; Hall 1974, 73; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 48, 63.
89. D. -; Inv. -; Robinson 1983.
90. D. -; Inv. -; Hall 1974, 83; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 62. The dating of this hoard and the next is uncertain, but if they contained Kufic coins a date in the early tenth century seems appropriate.
91. D. -; Inv. -; Briggs and Graham-Campbell 1976; Briggs 1978.
92. D. 60; Inv. 184; Dolley (113) 1955; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 247; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, 82. See also Edwards in Graham-Campbell 1992, at pp. 52-4. Graham-Campbell 2001b. Blackburn 2005.
93. D. -; Inv. -; Ryan et al. 1984 (the discussion of the coins is by M. Kenny and N.M. Lowick).
93a. Graham-Campbell 1993, p. 80, note to table 10.1. Six pieces of hack-silver, four arm-ring fragments and two ingot fragments, and one St Edmund coin, post-Cuerdale variety, now in the Ulster Museum.
93b. D. -; Inv. -; Stott 1991, p. 323; Blunt 1994, pp. 34-5. The six coins are in the Fitzwilliam Museum.
94. D. 59; Inv. 392; Graham-Campbell 2001b. SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxiii.
95. D. 63; Inv. -; Strudwick 1955a; Blunt and Dolley (214) 1959, 247; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, 82. Graham-Campbell 2001. Blackburn 2005.
96. D. -; Inv. -; Blunt 1979b, 14-5; Blunt and Stewart 1983, 161 n.38. Graham-Campbell 2001b.
97. D. 65; Inv. 263; Dolley (583) 1972; Hall 1974, 73; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 63, 67. Blackburn 2007, no. 28.
98. D. -; Inv. -; Nichols 1809, 54-6 (letter of 25 Jan. 1696/7 about the hoard from William Nicolson to Edward Lhwyd). The original of Nicolson's letter survives in Lhwyd's correspondence in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
98a. Blackburn and Pagan, 2002. Coin Hoards 1996, no. 128. 44 St Edmund Memorial coins.
98b. Blackburn 2006. Blackburn and Pagan 2002. Coin Hoards 1996, no. 129 (as 'near Colchester'). A subsequent report identified the findspot as near Manningtree, Essex, and indicated that a further group of some 70 St Edmund Coins and one swordless St Peter coin had been found. Like the earlier reported parcels, most of these were broken or fragmentary.
99. D. 62; Inv. 83; Mack 1967a; SCBI Mack, x, xii. Graham-Campbell 2001b. SCBI Chester, forthcoming, no. 1.
100. D. 58; Inv. -. Dolley relied on three St Edmund Memorial coins published in Rigold 1958, 189, but it is not clear that they were associated finds. However, a group of Edward the Elder coins, adhering to each other, from the same excavations has since come to light (SCBI Midlands, xviii).
101. D. 67; Inv. 175; Graham-Campbell 1993. Graham-Campbell 2001b. The hoard totals 39 coins including two Horizontal coins of Edward the Elder, rather than one as published by Vaux, and fragmentary dirhems. (information Gareth Williams).
101a. Coin Hoards 1999, no. 43; Treasure Annual Report 1998-9, no. 84. Small hoard of three Samanid dirhem fragments dates AD 892-907, 907-13 and 907-13. Found with some cut pieces of ingot and hack-silver. Williams, forthcoming. Previously known as "109b. Carnforth, Lancs., 1997/8".
102. D. 68; Inv. 293.
103. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (489) 1969, 20; Hall 1974, 73.
104. D. -; Inv. -; Robinson 1984a.
105. D. 66; Inv. -; Dolley (172) 1957; Hall 1974, 73. The coin supposed by Dolley to carry on the obverse the dispersed inscription Sc I PET RI MO has since been identified by Miss M. M. Archibald as an imitation of a coin of Dorestad reading DORESTATvS.
105a. Blackburn 2006; Coin Hoards 1996, no. 130; 1997, no. 49; 1998, no. 37.
105b. Blackburn 2006; Treasure Annual Report 2003, no. 390. Coin Hoards 2004, no. 18. 90 coins/fragments of Edward the Elder Two-line type.
106. D. 70; Inv. 32; Blunt 1954; Dykes 1976, 27, no. 2.
107. D. 69; Inv. -; SCBI East Anglia, pp. 1-45 and plates I-XXII. Blackburn 2006.
108. D. 71; Inv. 162; Blunt and Stewart 1983; Graham-Campbell 1993. Graham-Campbell 2001.
109. D. -; Inv. -; Blackburn and Bonser 1985, nos. 49-50.
109a. Treasure Annual Report 1998-9, no. 327. Coin Hoards 1999, no. 76. Blackburn 2006.
Hoard comprising twelve coins: five Sword/Cross coins of Sihtric Caoch (921-7) from a mint in the Five Boroughs, two Sword/Cross St Peter coins of York, three Horizontal coins of Edward the Elder,
and two fragmentary Samanid dirhems struck
109b. D. -; Inv. -; Blackburn 2007, no. 33. Williams, forthcoming. A hoard from the 'silver field' site at Flusco. The hoard has up to 120 fragmentary coins including those of Edward the Elder, Viking York and Dirhems. This site has also produced large amounts of silver ornaments in the past (Graham-Campbell 2001b).
109c. D. -; Inv. -; Treasure Annual Report 2002, no. 215. 4-9 fused imitation fragments of Edward the Elder two-line types.
109d. D. -; Inv. -; Treasure Annual Report 2005-6, no. 310. From the same site as a coinless hoard, consisting of brooches, recovered in 1989. It appears to be unconnected however. 75 identifiable coins/fragments, 60 unidentifiable fragments and a large amount of silver, copper and lead. The coins are broken down as follows: Edward the Elder: Horizontal 29, Portrait 4, Flower, 2, Uncertain 10; Archbishop Plegmund 6; St Edmund memorial (late) 1; St Peter (swordless) 2, St Peter (sword) 6; Sihtric (Sword) 3; Islamic dirhams 12.
109e. Treasure Annual Report 2005-6, no. 1157. 17 Anglo-Saxon coins: 3 Edward the Elder Portrait type, 1o Edward the Elder Two-line type, 1 Plegmund Two-line type and 3 uncertain.
109f. Coin Hoards 2009, no. 65.
110. D. 72; Inv. 89; SCBI BM H/N, 28 n.9; Hall 1974, 73.
111. D. -; Inv. -; Hall 1974, 73; Dolley (680) 1975; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 63.
111a. Coin Hoards 2009, no. 64.
112. D. -; Inv. -; Poole 1983.
113. D. 73; Inv. -; Dolley (112) 1955.
113a. D. -; Inv. -; Formerly known as the 'Harrogate Hoard'
114. D. 78; Inv. 205; SCBI BM H/N, 28 n.12; Hall 1974, 74.
115. D. 79; Inv. 324; Blunt 1974, 156-8 (Appendix II, "The Scotby hoard").
116. D. 80; Inv. 312; SCBI Edinburgh, xiii, xxiii; Graham-Campbell 1976b, 119, 127. Blackburn 2007, no. 40.
117. D. 77; Inv. 133; Dolley (320) 1962; Hall 1974, 73; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 49, 62, 66.
117a. D. -; Inv. -; Stott 1991, p. 323.
118. D. 74; Inv. 300; SCBI 9 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford), nos. 310, 320, 322, 333.
119. D. "uncertain hoards (b)"; Inv. -; Hall 1974, 74. The letter cited by Dolley is in the British Library, not the National Library of Ireland; the relevant passage reads: "a few years since many Saxon coins of King Aethelstan's were dug up in Ireland"
120. D. -; Inv. -; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 49, 65, 68 (as "found in Ireland"); Graham-Campbell 1986, he shows that it was "found in the Thames, near Deptford", citing the sale catalogue of the collection of the 1st Baron Londesborough (d. 1860), Christie, 4 July 1888, lot 885.
121. D. -; Inv. -; Pirie 1986a, nos 52-5.
122. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (599) 1973; Hall 1974, 74.
123. D. 75; Inv. -; SCBI Edinburgh, xiii; Graham-Campbell 1976b, 118, 127.
123a. SCBI Edinburgh p. xxi, hoard listed as "No locality, (e) ... 1 Eadweard, 3 Æthelstan". Graham-Campbell 1995, hoard [22].
124. D. 81; Inv. -; Dolley and Pagan (380) 1964; Hall 1974, 74.
125. D. 82; Inv. 356; Dolley (325) 1962; Hall 1974, 74.
126. D. 83; Inv. -; Dolley (265) 1960, 5; Stott 1991, pp. 322-3.
127. D. 76; Inv. -; Hall 1974, 74; Pagan 1974a; McCarthy and Dolley (751) 1977
127a. Information from M. M. Archibald.
128. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (489) 1969, 20.
129. D. 84; Inv. 322; SCBI Edinburgh, xiv, xxii; Graham-Campbell 1976b, 119-21, 127; Graham-Campbell 1984. Blackburn 2007, no. 48.
130. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (489) 1969; Hall 1974, 75.
130a. Coin Hoards 2009, no. 66.
131. D. -; Inv. -; Kenny 1984.
132. D. 86; Inv. -; Dolley and Ingold (276) 1961, 242; Dolley (542) 1970; Hall 1974, 75.
133. D. 85; Inv. -; Strudwick 1955b; Metcalf 1957, 194-5; Blunt and Pagan 1975, 28. Also recorded as the 'Honedon' hoard.
134. D. 87; Inv. -; Metcalf 1957, 195; Hall 1974, 75; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 63, 67.
135. D. 88; Inv. 277; Dolley (256) 1960; Hall 1974, 75; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 63, 67; McShane 1980.
136. D. 93; Inv. -; Metcalf 1958, 77-9; Blunt and Pagan 1975.
137. D. -; Inv. -; British Museum, Dept of Coins and Medals, Accessions Register. SCBI BM V 317 & 1271. Register states that no. 1271 and 'a coin of Edmund' were found together. The Edmund is probably 317 which was given by Lord Bute, as was 1271. (CEB's MS notes with MASB)
138. D. 89; Inv. 215; Pagan and Rhodes 1962, 23-5; Hall 1974, 75.
138a. D. -; Inv. -; Bornholdt 2003, M2. Blackburn 2007, no. 55.
139. D. 91; Inv. 298; Seaby 1959, 253-4; Hall 1974, 75-6.
139a. Coin Hoards 2010, no. 60.
140. D. 90; Inv. 220; Blunt and Pagan 1975.
141. D. 108; Inv. 355; SCBI Lincolnshire pls. 57-60.
142. D. 94; Inv. 29; Dolley (327) 1962; Hall 1974, 76.
143. D. 92; Inv. 34; Dolley (330) 1962; Dolley (676) 1975, 1901; Dolley (683) 1975, no. 3; Dolley (807) 1979; Graham-Campbell 1983, 56-7. Bornholdt 2003, M1.
144. D. 102; Inv. 86; Blunt and Dolley (43) 1953; Archibald 1967; CH 2 (1976), no. 444. SCBI Chester, forthcoming, no. 2.
145. D. 95; Inv. -; Hall 1974, 76.
146. D. 96; Inv. 260; Dolley (442) 1967; Hall 1974, 76.
147. D. 107; Inv. 333; Blunt 1953; Hall 1974, 77; Blunt 1994, 36-8.
147a. D. -; Inv. -; Bornholdt 2003, M3. Blackburn 2007, no. 63.
148. D. 109; Inv. -; Dolley (29) 1952; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxix.
149. D. 98; Inv. 13; SCBI BM H/N 32 n.13; Hall 1974, 76. A newspaper cutting from the Newry Examiner of 2 June 1831 indicates that the coin of Athelstan cited by Lindsay was of Circumscription Cross type, London mint, moneyer Ellaf (and not of Two-line type as might be deduced from the Lindsay reference). The date of deposit of the hoard is somewhat more uncertain than Dolley's readers might suppose.
150. D. 99; Inv. -; Dolley (235) 1959; Dykes 1976, 27, no. 3.
151. D. -; Inv. -; Christmas 1861.
151a. D. -; Inv. -; Bornholdt notes: "ref. Michael Kenny (1988-9) 'Anglo-Saxon Pennies from Moyvore, Co. Westmeath', Ríocht na Mídhe vol. VIII no. 2, pp. 60-3. This small hoard (5 coins) was found in a ring-fort near the village of Moyvore. It is yet another hoard from the Irish midlands, adding emphasis to the argument that the native Irish may well have been coin-users. The reigns represented are Eadred (2), Eadwig (1), and Eadgar (2)."
151b. D. -; Inv. -; Bornholdt Collins, Forthcoming. Hoards comprises coins of Athelstan (1), Eadmund (2), Eadred (6), 2 irregular pennies (probably struck during the regin of Eadred), Eadwig (1) and Eadgar (1). There is an array of other silver including cut ingot fragments, a disc-shaped piece of silver, a folded brooch pin, a looped rod of silver a plain silver arm-ring and 16 fine silver wire buttons. In addition there are two copper-alloy ingots, a glass bead and material fragments.
151c. D. -; Inv. -; Bonser and Blackburn 1989.
152. D. 100; Inv. 75/261; Seaby 1959, 249; Dolley (242) 1959; Hall 1974, 76.
153. D. 101; Inv. 84. SCBI Chester, forthcoming, no. 3.
154. D. 103; Inv. 212; Hall 1974, 77; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 63, 67.
155. D. 97; Inv. 8; Dolley (676) 1975; Dolley (683) 1975, no. 4; Dolley (811) 1979; Graham-Campbell 1983, 57. Bornholdt 2003, M5. Often listed as 'Kirk Andreas Hoard'.
156. D. 104; Inv. -; Dolley (252) 1960; Hall 1974, 77; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 63.
157. D. 105; Inv. -; Dolley (320) 1962; Hall 1974, 77.
158. D. 106; Inv. -; Dolley (320) 1962; Hall 1974, 77; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 63, 67.
159. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (807) 1979, 124; Graham-Campbell 1983, 57. Bornholdt 2003, M19.
160. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (655) 1974; Hall 1974, 77.
161. D. -; Inv. -; Briggs and Dolley (615) 1973; Dolley (655) 1974; Hall 1974, 77.
162. D. -; Inv. -; Graham-Campbell 1982b.
163. D. 110; Inv. 115; Dolley (290) 1961; Dolley (655) 1974; Hall 1974, 77.
164. D. 111; Inv. 119; Dolley (385) 1965; Hall 1974, 78.
165. D. 112; Inv. 127; Blunt 1966; Dolley (500) 1969; Dolley (676) 1975; Dolley (683) 1975, no. 5; Pagan 1980; Graham-Campbell 1983, 57. Bornholdt 2003, M6.
166. D. 113; Inv. 174: Dolley (252) 1960; Hall 1974, 78.
167. D. -; Inv. -; Warner 1975. A second find(?) from the same site as no. 218.
167a. Bornholdt 2003, M4. Blackburn and Graham-Campbell, NC 1995, pp. 279-82.
168. D. 114; Inv. 201; SCBI Edinburgh, xxi. The "Knowe, Islay" parcel (Inv. 202) is probably from this hoard.
169. D. 115; Inv. -; SCBI Edinburgh, xv, xxii.
170. D. 116; Inv. 207; Dolley and Martin (226) 1959; Hall 1974, 78.
171. D. 119; Inv. 357; SCBI Edinburgh, xxiii; Graham-Campbell 1976b, 128. Dumas (1979, no. 38) dismisses, on chronological grounds, the attribution of four Normandy deniers in the Edinburgh collection to this hoard.
171a. Coin Hoards 1998, no. 38. Treasure Annual Report 1997-1998, no. 141.
171b. Coin Hoards 1999, no. 41 (listing six coins). Treasure Annual Report 1998-9, no. 328 (also listing six coins); The hoard at the time of the inquest comprised eleven coins of Edgar's BMC type ii HR 3, of which eight were whole and three fragments. The coins have been donated by the finder, Mr Denis Price, to the Grosvenor Museum, Chester. (Info. Dr A.J.P. Campbell). SCBI Chester, forthcoming, no. 4.
171c. NCirc 2003:2. A hoard that appeared in various sales during the 990s. Published in Coin Register 1992, no. 267. See entries in NCirc July 1993 (4279), September 1993 (6142), June 1994 (4097), July 1994 (4714), Decmeber 1995 (6940).
172. D. 117; Inv. -; Dolley (215) 1959; Dykes 1976, 27 no. 4.
173. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (492) 1969; Allen 2006, no. 1
174. D. 120; Inv. 85; Dolley and Pirie (370) 1964. Jonsson 1987, pp. 231-3. Allen 2006, no. 3. SCBI Chester, forthcoming, no. 5.
175. D. 24, 121, "uncertain (c)"; Inv. -; Blunt and Lyon 1979. Unpublished evidence among the Ruding MSS in the British Library suggests that the hoard may have contained some First Hand pennies of Æthelred II. Allen 2006, no. 2.
176. D. -; Inv. -; Metcalf and Jonsson 1980. Allen 2006, no. 4.
177. D. 122; Inv. -; Dolley (236) 1959; SCBI Edinburgh, xxii.
178. D. 125; Inv. 199; Dolley (369) 1964; Sadler 1981. Allen 2006, no. 5.
178a. Allen 2006, no. 125. Dispersed - listings by Bonser and others.
179. D. 123; Inv. 265; SCBI BM H/N, 33 n. 2; Hall, 1974, 78; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 61.
180. D. 124; Inv. 198; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, no. 21; SCBI Edinburgh, xx; Dumas 1979, no. 7.
181. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley and Grover (848) 1983. Allen 2006, no. 6.
181a. Coin Hoards 2009, no. 67.
182. D. 126; Inv. -; SCBI BM H/N, 34 n.12.
182a. Coin Hoards 1995, no. 14. Blackburn 2007, no. 93.
182b. D. -; Inv. -; Blackburn 2007, no. 94.
183. D. 127; Inv. 134; SCBI BM H/N, 33 n.3; Hall 1974, 79.
184. D. 128; Inv. 203. Allen 2006, no. 7. 2 Second Hand, 3 Benediction Hand and 23 CRVX.
184a. Blackburn 2008; Bornholdt and Screen, 2007. 79 English coins, from Edgar's Reform type to Æthelred's Benediction Hand.
185. D. -; Inv. -; Spufford 1961, 215-16. Allen 2006, no. 8.
186. D. 129; Inv. 320; Dolley (683) 1975, no. 6; Dolley (821) 1980; Graham-Campbell 1983, 57-8. Bornholdt 2003, M7. Graham-Campbell, 2005.
187. D. -; Inv. -; Kenny 1985.
187a. Coin Hoards 1995, nos 12-13; Coin Register 1996, no. 204 note corrects Thetford findspot. Allen 2006, no. 9.
187b. Coin Hoards 1997, no. 50. Allen 2006, no. 10.
187c. E. Besly in BNJ 63 (1993), 84-5.
187d. Blackburn 2008; Bornholdt and Screen 2007. 242 English coins, from Edgar's Reform type to Æthelred's Crux.
187e. D. -; Inv. -; Blackburn 2008; Bornholdt and Screen 2007; Blackburn 2007, no. 101. 125 coins from Æthelred's First small cross to CRVX.
187f. D. -; Inv. -; Blackburn 2007, no. 102.
188. D. 131; Inv. 91; SCBI BM H/M, 55-6; Hall 1974, 79.
189. D. -; Inv. -; Blackburn, Collyer, and Dolley 1983 (845), 39 no. 3; Blackburn 1985b; Allen 2006, no. 11.
190. D. 118; Inv. 351; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, no. 20; SCBI Edinburgh, xxiii; Dumas 1971, 117 n.3; Pagan 1973b (redating the hoard on the basis of the Continental element).
191. D. -; Inv. -; SCBI Edinburgh, xx.
192. D. 130 and 136; Inv. 144 and 161; SCBI Glasgow, xii; SCBI Edinburgh, xix; Graham-Campbell 1976b, 128-9.
193. D. 132; Inv. 61; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, no. 22; SCBI Edinburgh, xviii.
194. D. 133; Inv. 196; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, no. 24; SCBI BM H/N, 58; SCBI Edinburgh, xix; Dumas 1979, no. 26. Graham-Campbell, forthcoming.
195. D. 135; Inv. -; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, no. 23; SCBI BM H/N, 57; Hall 1974, 79; Dumas 1979, no. 3; Blackburn 1981, 53-4.
196. D. 137; Inv. -; Dolley and Ingold (276) 1961, 24650; SCBI BM H/N, 58-9.
197. D. 138; Inv. -; Dolley (198) 1958. Allen 2006, no. 16.
Dolley associated hoard nos. 197-201 with the St Brice's Day Massacre of
1002; SCBI BM H/N, 39.
198. D. 139; Inv. -; Dolley (198) 1958. Allen 2006, no. 17.
199. D. 140; Inv. -; Dolley (198) 1958; Wilson 1964, 1501. Allen 2006, no. 18.
200. D. 141; Inv. -; Dolley (144) 1956. Allen 2006, no. 19.
201. D. 142; Inv. -; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxiii. Allen 2006, no. 20.
201a. D. -; Inv. -; Cambridge SMR records 9 s. xi Long Cross coins (presumably N 774 of Æthelred II). Allen 2006, no. 15.
201b. About 60 Long Cross coins of Æthelred II. Information from M. M. Archibald. Allen 2006, no. 12.
201c. Coin Hoards 1999, no. 40. Williams 1998 (Bramdean). Treasure Annual Report 1997-1998, no. 142. Allen 2006, no. 13.
201d. Allen 2006, no. 14. Metcalf 1998, 126, 254.
201e. Allen 2006, no. 114. Metcalf 1998, 126 and 257. This 'hoard' may well be two single finds.
201f. Coin Hoards 2009, no. 68.
202. D. -; Inv. -; to be published by M. Kenny.
203. D. 143; Inv. -; Dolley (228) 1959, 187-8; Dykes 1976, 27 no. 5. Besly, BNJ 1993, 85.
204. D. 144; Inv. 249; Butler and Dolley (217) 1959; SCBI South-Eastern Museums, p. 8. Allen 2006, no. 22.
204a. D. -; Inv. -; Stott 1991, p. 324. Allen 2006, no. 21. Six coins of Æthelred II's Last Small Cross type.
205. D. 145; Inv. -; Dolley and Metcalf (274) 1961, 164;
cf. Dolley and Metcalf (193) 1958, 71. Allen 2006, no. 23.
The source for this find is Magna Britannia I (1720), 310, the relevant passage of which reads:
"about 30 years since, near the church, in a place where once stood a cross, (as is said) was found
a buff bag full of silver pieces, some of King Arthur's coin, and some of King Canute's, of which
this is the figure, the reverse not so perfect as to be read."
This appears to be a Quatrefoil coin of Cnut (?depicting the obverse legend and reverse design),
and those of "King Arthur" were probably ones of Æthelred II.
There may also be a coin of Harthacnut.
206. D. 146; Inv. -; Metcalf 1958, 82-3. Allen 2006, no. 24. Dolley and Metcalf (193) 1958, associating a large group of early Quatrefoil coins mainly from western mints with a recorded find of unspecified Anglo-Saxon coins from Kingsholm. The coherence of the group is generally supported by their heavy weights (Lyon 1971), though some of the lighter coins are unlikely to belong to the hoard.
207. D. -; Inv. -; GH 7 (1985), no. 544; Boon 1986, pp. 11-15, 27.
208. D. -; Inv. -; CH 6 (1981), no. 372; Boon 1986, pp. 1-36.
209. D. 147; Inv. 46; SCBI Edinburgh, xx.
210. D. 148; Inv. 35; Dolley (790) 1978. Allen 2006, no. 25.
211. D. 150; Inv.-; Allen 2006, no. 121. SCBI BM H/N, 40 n.4, on the authority of
"Mrs J. S. Martin who cites Notes and Queries i, p.347".
This should be corrected to East Anglian Notes & Queries 1 (1858-63), p. 437
(Joseph Warren, "Antiquities found in Churchyards": "A few years since, three coins of Cnut
were found in the churchyard at Rougham, Suffolk; they were perfect, but I could not
obtain one.")
211a. D. -; Inv. -; Allen 2006, no. 115. Metcalf 1998, 141 and 269. This 'Hoard' may well be two single finds.
212. D. 151; Inv. 181; Dolley (224) 1959; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, no. 25; Dumas 1979, no. 25. Allen 2006, no. 26.
213. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (662) 1975, 321, 3268; Dumas 1979, no. 36. Allen 2006, no. 28.
214. D. -; Inv. -; SCBI Merseyside, xx; Dumas 1979, no. 32. Allen 2006, no. 27.
215. D. 153; Inv. 131 and 306; Dykes 1976, 27 no. 6.
216. D. 149; Inv. 234; Butler and Dolley (297) 1961; SCBI Edinburgh, xxii. See note to no. 302 below.
217. D. 154; Inv. -; Dolley and Ingold (276) 1961, 2505; SCBI BM H/N, 63-4; O'Sullivan 1971; Hall 1974, 80.
218. D. 155; Inv. -; Dolley and Ingold (276) 1961, 255-7; Dolley (657) 1974; Warner 1975.
218a. Summary provided in Blackburn 2008. 464 coins with a plaited arm-ring and 25 silver ingots. The coins are broken down as follows: 79 Anglo-Saxon (Crux 1, Long Cross 34, Helmet 10, Last Small Cross 25, Quatrefoil 9), 343 Hiberno-Scandinavian (Phase I Long Cross 14, Last Small Cross 5, Quatrefoil 1; Phase II 323), 30 from Hiberno-Scandinavian/Hiberno-Manx transfer die, 11 'Irish Sea' Quatrefoil imitations and 1 Scandinavian imitation.
219. D. 134; Inv. 222; Dolley (683) 1975, no. 7; Dolley (701) 1976; Dolley (801) 1979; Graham-Campbell 1983, 58. Bornholdt 2003, M8.
219a. Bateson NC 1993, 211-4.
220. D. -; Inv. -; Blackburn 1983; Allen 2006, no.29.
220a. Blackburn and Newman, BNJ 1991, 124-5; Allen 2006, no. 31.
220b. Coin Hoards 1999, no. 39. Treasure Annual Report 1998-9, no. 329. Allen 2006, no. 32.
221. D. 152; Inv. 66; Dolley and Strudwick (97) 1955, 52; SCBI Edinburgh, xviii. Graham-Campbell 2004b, 208-9.
222. D. -; Inv. -; Hall 1974, -; Dolley (753) 1977.
222a. Allen 2006, no. 126. Christie's sale catalogue, 13 October 1992, lot 3. Originally recorded as two separate hoards (222a and 222b) the second of which had the following notes: Dispersed on market without report; cf. Myntgallerie
222c. Treasure Annual Report 2002, no. 216. Three coins found over a period of time on the same sight. All are Cnut Short Cross types by Aelfred of London. They are all die-linked.
222d. Allen 2006, no. 30. Eaglen 1999, 63-5. Eaglen 2002.
223. D. -; Inv. -; Wilson 1974, 367, 46; Dolley (683) 1975, no. 8; Graham-Campbell 1983, 58. Bornholdt 2003, M21.
224. D. 158; Inv. 338; Robinson 1969. Allen 2006, no. 34.
225. D. -; Inv. -; Archibald 1985b. Allen 2006, no. 33.
226. D. 156; Inv. -; SCBI BM H/N, 64; Hall 1974, 80.
227. D. -; Inv. -; Hall 1974, 80, citing a letter from I. Stewart to M. Dolley, the contents of which were never published and cannot now be recalled by Dr Stewart.
227a. Bornholdt 2003, M10. A hoard reconstructed from records of the Hunterian. Seven Hiberno-Manx and possibly four Hiberno-Scandinavian coins.
228. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (701) 1976; Dolley (802) 1979. Bornholdt 2003, M9.
228a. Blackburn and Rogerson, BNJ 1991, 125-6. Allen 2006, no. 35. 3 Harthacnut Arm-and-Sceptre coins.
229. D. 157; Inv. 374; Seaby 1955, 124-5; Dolley and Strudwick (97) 1955, 35-6, 54; SCBI West Country 574, doubtfully a stray. Allen 2006, no. 36.
230. D. 161; Inv. 9; SCBI BM H/N, 56; Dolley (683) 1975, no. 9; Dolley (823) 1980; Graham-Campbell 1983, 60. Bornholdt 2003, M11.
231. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (652) 1974; Dolley (683) 1975, no. 10; Graham-Campbell 1983, 58. Bornholdt 2003, M12.
232. D. 160; Inv. 69 and 360; Martin 1956;
SCBI Oxford pt.i, xiv. Allen 2006, no. 37. Parcels from this hoard, similar to those in the Ashmolean and
British Museums, were presented by Mrs R. Wilson (7 coins?) and by Rev. Greville J. Chester (2
coins) to the Fitzwilliam Museum, though the coins cannot now be individually identified.
A record in Merseyside County Museums of "eleven coins and portions of coins of
Edward the Confessor" from Thwaite, given by the Hon. Mrs Wilson 1878. Coins must have
been destroyed in 1944 -- not in SCBI Merseyside & no mention of this entry there.
(Information CEB 1987.)
233. D. -; Inv. -; Hall 1974, 79.
234. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (654) 1974; Hall 1974, 80.
235. D. 162; Inv. 6; SCBI BM H/N, 69.
235a. Graham-Campbell 1995, hoard [23].
236. D. 163; Inv. -; Metcalf 1957, 183-5; SCBI BM H/N, 65; Hall 1974, 80.
237. D. 164; Inv. -; SCBI BM H/N, 67-8; Dolley (417) 1966. Probable parcels from this hoard are published in Stewart 1971; Blackburn and Seaby 1976.
238. D. 165; Inv. 30; SCBI BM H/N, 69; Hall 1974, 801.
239. D. -; Inv. -; Bornholdt 2003, M 13. Seaby 2002.
239a. Coin Hoards 1998, no. 39; further coins in Coin Hoards 1999, no. 44. Williams 1998 (Appledore). Treasure Annual Report 1997-1998, no. 143 and 170. Further parcel in Treasure Annual Report 1998-9, no. 330. Allen 2006, no. 38.
239b. Allen 2006, no. 39. Metcalf 1998, 163.
240. D. 166; Inv. 270; Fearon 1971. Allen 2006, no. 40.
241. D. 167; Inv. -; Dolley and Strudwick (147) 1956, 297. Allen 2006, no. 42.
242. D. 168; Inv. 294; Dolley and Strudwick (147) 1956, 295-6. Allen 2006, no. 41.
243. D. -; Inv. -; Robinson 1970. Allen 2006, no. 122.
244. D. 169; Inv. 244; Dolley (47) 1953. Allen 2006, no. 44.
244a. Allen 2006, no. 43. Stott 1991, 324.
245. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley and Skaare (602) 1973; Graham-Campbell 1976b, 128. Graham-Campbell 1995, 100-3.
246. D. 170; Inv. -; SCBI BM H/N, 70; Hall 1974, 81.
247. D. 171; Inv. 233; SCBI BM H/N, 70; Hall 1974, 81.
248. D. -; Inv. -; Dumas 1979, no. 51; Cubbon and Dolley (820) 1980. Bornholdt 2003, M14.
249. D. -; Inv. -; Bornholdt, M15. The hoard has been known previously as 'Ballaugh'. This is based upon a 1772 letter describing '37 ancient coins'. See dicussion in Bornholdt 2003. Dolley (683) 1975, no. 12; Graham-Campbell 1983, 60.
250. D. 172; Inv. -; Dolley (171) 1957. Allen 2006, no. 61.
251. D. 173; Inv. -; Dolley (135) 1956. Allen 2006, no. 47.
252. D. 174; Inv. -; Dolley (313) 1961; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xli. Allen 2006, no. 46.
253. D. 175; Inv. 386; Dolley (546) 1971; Pirie 1972; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxiii. Allen 2006, no. 48.
254. D. 176; Inv. 327; Dolley (251) 1960; CH 5(1979), no. 275. Although the hoard ends with Edward the Confessor's penultimate issue, its deposit may have been occasioned by the Norman conquest of 1066. An unpublished note (in the possession of one of the writers) by the late G. C. Dunning, F. S. A., who had inspected the iron remains of the container, suggests that it may have been an iron-bound wooden box, rather than the fragmentary iron pot and leather bag of the original account. Allen 2006, no. 45.
255. D. 177; Inv. 81 and 345; Sugden 1979; Knowles 1981; Holden 1982. Allen 2006, no. 50.
256. D. -; Inv. -. Allen 2006, no. 53. An unpublished addendum in J. D. A. Thompson's card index of hoards (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) cites Sussex Archaeol. Collections 14 (1862), 36-7, and Sussex Notes and Queries 3 (1930), 101, for this find. These refer to some 20 coins "of the Saxon dynasty" purchased c. 1820 by Gideon Mantell, the Lewes surgeon and geologist, and said to have been found while cutting peat near the bend of a stream on the northern slopes of Camp Hill, between Nutley and Crowborough, and near Duddleswell. These may perhaps be the same find as that from Sussex referred to in the papers of the Lincoln antiquarian F. J. Willson, which illustrate and describe a coin of Harold II "found last summer 1822, with a hoarde of Saxon coins" (Blunt 1981, 6, fig. 17; Blackburn, Colyer, and Dolley (845) 1983, 20).
257. D. 179; Inv. 297; Pagan 1990, 189 n. 14. Includes SCBI 9 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford), no. 1102. Allen 2006, no. 54.
258. D. -; Inv. -; Pagan 1990, 189 n. 15. Allen 2006, no. 52.
259. D. 180; Inv. -; Metcalf 1957, 198. Allen 2006, no. 51.
260. D. 159; Inv. -; Dolley (261) 1960; Pagan 1984. Allen 2006, no. 49.
261. D. 178; Inv. 225; Dolley (265) 1960, 4; Whitting 1961, 33;
Burrows 1977. Allen 2006, no. 55. Also known as the "City hoard".
Doubt exists over the date of deposition, since although the bulk of the hoard has a terminus of
c. 1066, both Willett and Evans recorded a few coins of William I, types i-iv.
Dolley considered these interlopers from a second hoard listed in 1966:
197 | London (Walbrook, no. 2), 1872 | F | X | N | + | - | c.1075. |
262. D. 186; Inv. 318. Allen 2006, no. 58.
263. D. 187; Inv. 334; Pagan 1990, 188; Metcalf 1998, 178. Allen 2006, no. 59.
264. D. -; Inv. -; Clough 1973; SCBI East Anglia, nos. 1348-54. Allen 2006, no. 57.
265. D. 183; Inv. -; Metcalf 1957, 18690; SCBI Oxford pt.i, xi; Bagwell Purefoy 1996. Allen 2006, no. 56.
265a. Allen 2006, no. 60. Pirie with Archibald 1995.
266. D. 185; Inv. -; Robinson 1969; Robinson 1979. Allen 2006, no. 63.
267. D. 181; Inv. -; Allen 2006, no. 123; SCBI BM H/N, 44 n.8., but ref. is in 2nd edn (1816) of Thorseby. Coins in possession of Dr R. Richardson (1663-1741).
268. D. 182; Inv. -; Allen 2006, no. 124; SCBI BM H/N, 44 n.9., but ref. in 2nd edn (1816) of Thorseby as "lately discovered".
269. D. 184; Inv. -; SCBI BM H/N, 44 n.3. Allen 2006, no. 62.
270. D. 188; Inv. -; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxv. Allen 2006, no. 64.
271. D. 189; Inv. 388; Pirie 1972; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxv. Allen 2006, no. 67.
272. D. 190; Inv. 387; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxiv. Allen 2006, no. 66.
273. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (546) 1971; Pirie 1972; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxvi. Allen 2006, no. 65.
273a. Allen 2006, no. 116. Coin Register 1987, no. 170. Metcalf 1998, 181 and 269. This 'hoard' may well be two single finds.
274. D. 191; Inv. -; Dolley and Metcalf (274) 1961, 165. Allen 2006, no. 84. Unpublished notes in J. D. A. Thompson's card index cites, in addition, Procs. Soc. of Antiquaries 2 (1849-51), 166, and Lewis 1845, I, 195, referring to "upwards of 100 coins chiefly of the reigns of William the Conqueror and his son William Rufus, with a few of Edward the Confessor and Canute the Dane ... in a fine state of preservation" found while digging a grave in the nave of the church.
275. D. 192; Inv. 62; SCBI BM H/N, 44 n.13. Allen 2006, no. 81.
276. D. 193; Inv. 346; Wilson 1964, 174-7. Allen 2006, no. 83.
277. D. -; Inv. -; Allen 2006, no. 82. J. Brit. Archaeol. Ass.2 5 (1899), 148, reproducing minutes of the Peterborough Gentlemen's Society: "June 11, 1735 - Rev. Mr Mason, Rector of Cotesworth, near Grantham . . . presents a "Peter's peny" found with several others of the same sort in digging a grave in his churchyard. It is a coin of Wm. the Conqueror."
278. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (683) 1975, no. 13. Bornholdt 2003, M16. (7 coins formerly the property of a Laxey resident).
278a. Coin Hoards 1996, no. 131. Allen 2006, no. 68.
279. D. 195; Inv. 376. Allen 2006, no. 69.
280. D. -; Inv. -; CH 5 (1979), no. 278. Allen 2006, no. 70
281. D. 196; Inv. 264 (as Malmesbury, Glos., an error that has been repeated by some authors). Allen 2006, no. 72
282. D. 198; Inv. 250; Dolley (265) 1960, 3; Metcalf 1998, pp. 183-4. Allen 2006, no. 71. It included a gold filigree sapphire and pearl brooch, since lost. Dolley associated this hoard with the troubles of 1075.
282a. D. -; Inv. -; Allen 2006, no. 117. 'Coin Register 1994', nos. 237-8; Metcalf 1998, p. 184. Two coins of William I, type iv, both of Northampton, moneyer Godwine, die-duplicates.
283. D. 194; Inv. 224; SCBI BM H/N, 71-2; Dolley (604) 1973; Dolley (683) 1975, no. 14; Dolley (819) 1980. Bornholdt 2003, M17.
283a. D. -; Inv. -; Gannon and Williams 2001. Allen 2006, no. 73. Five coins of William I, one of type iv and four of type v.
283b. D. -; Inv. -; Gannon and Williams 2001. Allen 2006, no. 75. SCBI Chester, forthcoming, no. 6. Five pennies and one cut-half, all of William I, type v.
284. D. 199; Inv. 323; Dolley (164) 1957; SCMB 1979, 373-4; CH 6 (1981), no. 375. Allen 2006, no. 74.
285. D. 200; Inv. 390; SCBI BM H/N, 44 n. 19; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxvi. Allen 2006, 76.
285a. Blunt and Dolley, BNJ 1977, p. 137 , nos. 15 and 16. Allen 2006, no. 77. A penny and a cut-half of William I, type vi.
285b. Treasure Annual Report 2002, no. 217.
285c. Allen 2006, no. 118. Metcalf 1998, 187 and 255. This 'hoard' may well be two single finds.
286. D. 201; Inv. -; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxvii. Allen 2006, no. 80.
287. D. 202; Inv. 37; Mack 1967b. Allen 2006, no. 78.
288. D. 203; Inv. 350. Allen 2006, no. 85.
289. D. -; Inv. -; Kenny 1983.
290. D. -; Inv. -; Dolley (681) 1975.
291. D. 204; Inv. -; Metcalf 1958, 81; SCBI BM H/N, 72-5; Hall 1974, 81.
292. D. 205; Inv. 173; SCBI BM H/N, 75-6; Hall 1974, 81; Dolley (826) 1981; SCBI Belfast pt.ii, 5.
292a. Coin Register 1998: 155. Allen 2006, no. 79. 2 PACX coins of William fused together.
292b. Treasure Annual Report 2005-6, no. 1167. Several fused coins including 'profile' and 'cross in Quatrefoil' types.
293. D. 207; Inv. -; SCBI BM H/N, 77; Hall 1974, 81.
294. D. 208; Inv. -; SCBI BM H/N, 78-9 and 231 pl.C; Hall 1974, 81; SCBI Belfast pt.ii, 6 and nos. 361-7.
295. D. 209; Inv. 122; SCBI BM H/N, 79-80; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 63-4; SCBI Belfast pt.ii, 67.
295a. D. -; Inv. -; Graham-Campbell 2001, 19-20. The hoard is described as 'a leather bag, containing silver coins of the Saxon heptarchy and a silver crucifix'. Graham-Campbell has associated this with a parcel of fifteen Northumbrian stycas given to the Museum in Edinburgh in 1782 by Alexander Copland, a Dumfriesshire donor. However, these coins are copper-alloy contradicting the original description where they are described as 'silver'.
295b. D. -; Inv. -; Graham-Campbell, forthcoming. Graham-Campbell, 2004b. The attribution of the hoard is based upon a note in The Scots Magazine 1767: "Edinburgh, May 11. We hear from Glasgow, that some fishermen lately dug up on the island of St Kilda, two antique urns, containing a quantity of Danish silver, which by the inscription appears to have lain there upwards of 1800 years." Graham-Campbell sees the description of '1800 years' as a misprint for 800 years placing the hoard in the early medieval period.
296. D. -; Inv. -; Hall 1974, 78.
296a. Treasure Annual Report 2005-6, no. 1166. The coins are fused together and stylistically could date from ninth or twelfth centuries.
296b. Bornholdt 2003, M20.
297. D. "uncertain (f)"; Inv. -; Lindsay 1849, 4; Dolley and Morrison (350) 1963, no. 26. Normandy deniers "found in some part of England with a parcel of the Confessor's". The deniers illustrated by Lindsay (p1. 1, nos. 2-10) belong to Dumas's group A, which she dates to the first third of the 11th cent. (Dumas 1979). Allen 2006, no. 127.
298. D. -; Inv. -; Blunt 1976. Allen 2006, no. 128. A parcel of some 16 coins of Harold II and 2 of William I, type i.
299. D. 206; Inv. 213; SCBI BM H/N, 767; Hall 1974, 81. Based on an inference as to their weight, Dolley considered these likely to have been Hiberno-Norse coins of the late 11th or early 12th cent.
300. D. 210; Inv. -; SCBI BM H/N, 80; Hall 1974, 81. Dolley thought these likely to have been crude coins of the late 11th or early 12th cent., but their illegibility was apparently due to their poor condition.
301. D. -; Inv. -; Hall 1974, 83-4; Graham-Campbell 1976a, 62, 64.
302. D. -; Inv. -. Sotheby, 1 Nov.1920 (property of a "baronet"), lot 369:
"Hiberno-Danish pennies (10), rude helmeted head, blundered inscriptions, and three others, all
very fine . . . The former are from a find in Fifeshire in 1832."
This description suggests that they were Hiberno-Norse derivatives of the Long Cross type; they
cannot have been Hiberno-Manx as insufficient coins without provenance survive, nor is it likely
that they were Scandinavian imitations which only occur in mixed hoards with other European
coins. Hiberno-Norse coins are not otherwise recorded from mainland Scotland and the reported
provenance should therefore be treated with reserve. However, the "baronet" also had some coins
from the 12th-cent. Outchester, Northumb. (1817) hoard, which suggests that he was a northern,
rather than an Irish, collector. It is possible that they were a parcel from the 1814 Parkhill find
(no. 216), and that the indecipherable coins which made up the bulk of that
hoard were in fact Hiberno-Norse pennies of Phase II or III.
Later MASB note: More likely to be connected with H/N Phase II/III now some found at Dull.
302a. Bornholdt 2003, M18. Four Hiberno-Scandinavian phase VI coins in National Museum of Scotland.
303. D. 16; Inv. -; SCBI Edinburgh, xx. Descriptions of this hoard are conflicting. Graham-Campbell 1995, hoard [9].
304. D. 37; Inv. -; Metcalf 1960, 97. It remains to be established that this was a hoard of the Anglo-Saxon period.
305. D. "uncertain (e)"; Inv. -; Dolley and Metcalf (193) 1958, 77, referring to research of Mrs J. S. Martin, but her source is not cited.
306. D. -; Inv. -; Robinson 1970.
307. D. -; Inv. 389; SCBI Yorkshire pt.i, xxxiv.
307a. D. -; Inv. -; This record is based upon W. H. Chamberlain's Reminisces of Old Merton (1925).
On p. 38 he writes:
"In the year 1882 Mr Harding, while digging in the garden of the rear of these cottages,
unearthed some ancient spearheads, Saxon coins, and what appeared to be human remains.
These he found at a depth of four feet. Dr. Bates acquired the spearheads and the author the coins.
It is believed that a battle was fought near here, between the Saxons and the Danes." These coins have not been traced and
thus the date, number and even the 'saxon' attribution are uncertain.
In the Surrey Archaeological Society Bulletin (April, 2001), John Pile lists the find-spot as 17 Church Path.
308. Allen 2006, no. 110. Blackburn 1994, no. 4. Inv. 230; Mack, 105; Blunt and Elmore Jones 1969; Robinson 1984b; one of the coins is published as SCBI Bristol no. 64. Henry I type 15 to Stephen type 1.
309. Allen 2006, no. 120. Blackburn 1994, no. 17. Inv. 108; Mack, 104.
310. Allen 2006, no. 130. Blackburn 1994, no. 18. Blunt, Elmore Jones and Robinson, BNJ 1967, 41-2.
311. Blackburn 1994, no. 23. Crafter 1998, no. 3. Allen 2002, no. 4. Inv. 246; Mack, 104; Blunt, Elmore Jones and Robinson, BNJ 1967, 41.
312. Allen 2002, no. 20. 'about 10oz of silver'.
313. Allen 2002, no. 22.
314. Bornholdt 2003, M22. A 'number of silver coins' from 'after 1165'.
315. Bornholdt 2003, M23. Hoard containing at least one coin of Stephen of England, William the Lion, Malcolm IV and two of David I of Scotland.
401. Blackburn 1990, no. 1. Inv. 42. Allen 2006, no. 86
401a. EMC 2008.0135 and 2008.0273. William II type 5/ Henry I type 1 mule and Henry I type 1. Information from M. Allen.
401b. EMC 2008.0204 and 2008.0205. Two Henry I type 9. Information from M. Allen.
402. Blackburn 1990, no. 9. Inv. 330; Blackburn, BNJ 1987, 108-9; Stewart 1977; Stewart 1992; Allen 2006, no. 87.
403. Coin Hoards 1997, no. 51. Allen 2006, no. 88.
404. Blackburn 1990, no. 8. Boon 1986, 103-5.
404a. Treasure Annual Report 2004, no. 459. Coin Hoards 2007, no. 60. Previously believed to contain only two coins; Allen 2006, no. 119. Coin Register 2004, 255 and 259.
404b. Allen 2006, no. 89. An unpublished hoard with information provided by Dr. Barrie Cook. 75+ Henry I type x coins.
405. Allen 2006, no. 90. Blackburn 1990, no. 15. Seaby 1988, 38.
406. Blackburn 1990, no. 16. Inv. 268.
407. Allen 2006, no. 91. Blackburn 1990, no. 17. Inv. 49 and 71; Stewart 1977.
407. Coin Hoards 2010, no. 61.
407b. Coin Hoards 2010, no. 62
408. Allen 2006, no. 93. Blackburn 1990, no. 19. Coin Hoards 1 (1975), no. 360.
409. Allen 2006, no. 92. Blackburn 1990, no. 20. Inv. 36.
410. Allen 2006, no. 95. Blackburn 1990, no. 21. Inv. 262.
410a. Allen 2006, no. 94. Stott 1991, nos 151-2. Two coins of Henry I, BMC xv, "complete, folded in half and placed one inside the other".
410b. 2 Henry I type 15 coins. Information from Gareth Williams.
410c. 175 Henry I type 15 coins. The Searcher, July-Spetember 2008.
411. Blackburn 1994, no. 1. Dolley (319) 1962, 162-4; Mack, 107. Allen 2006, no. 99.
412. Allen 2006, no. 96. Coin Hoards 1996, no. 132.
412a. Allen 2006, no. 97. Coin Hoards 1999, no. 45. Treasure Annual Report 1998-9, no. 332.
412b. Allen 2006, no. 98. Coin Hoards 2001, no.77. 2 Stephen type 1 coins.
412c. Treasure Annual Report 2005-6, no. 1168. Coin Hoards, forthcoming.
412d. 11 Stephen type 1 coins. information from Dr. Barrie Cook.
413. Allen 2006, no. 103. Blackburn 1990, no. 28; Blackburn 1994, no. 2. Inv. 372; Rashleigh 1849; Mack, 103; Stewart, BNJ 1986, 76-7 (but see Boon 1986, 71 n. 90); Seaman, BNJ 1978, 60-1. Another group of about 100 coins of Stephen is said to have been found in Watford in the same year (known as the "Smaller Watford Hoard"), but it is not clear whether it is a parcel from the main deposit: Inv. 373; Mack, 103.
414. Allen 2006, no. 101. Blackburn 1994, no. 3. Seaman, BNJ 1969, 186-8.
415. Allen 2006, no. 102. Blackburn 1990, no. 25; Blackburn 1994, no. 5. Inv. 337 ; Rashleigh 1849; Mack, 103; Stewart, BNJ 1986, 76-7 (but see Boon 1986, 71 n. 90); Seaman, BNJ 1978, 60-1. Another group of about 100 coins of Stephen is said to have been found in Watford in the same year (known as the "Smaller Watford Hoard"), but it is not clear whether it is a parcel from the main deposit: Inv. 373; Mack, 103.
416. Allen 2006, no. 106. Blackburn 1990, no. 32; Blackburn 1994, no. 6. Coin Hoards 1 (1985), no. 360. Part of hoard sold at auction: Sotheby, 6 Dec. 1974, lots 1-107; Glendining, 13 Nov. 1974, lots 1-228; Glendining, 10 Nov. 1976, lots 121-420; and privately by one of the finders who produced a list illustrating some 300 coins: Henry Tasker, "A Sales Catalogue of the Prestwich Hoard of Silver Pennies" (Prestwich, n.d., c.1975).
417. Allen 2006, no. 104. Blackburn 1990, no. 29; Blackburn 1994, no. 7.
Inv. 116; Rashleigh,
418. Allen 2006, 105. Blackburn 1990, no. 26; Blackburn 1994, no. 9. Inv. 295; Mack, 105; Danson, BNJ 1968; Seaman, BNJ 1978, 60-1.
419. Blackburn 1994, no. 8. Boon 1986, at 37-82; Boon, NCirc 1987, 253.
419a. Allen 2006, no. 100. Three 'Watford' pennies of Stephen reported together with the same vague findspot.
420. Allen 2006, no. 108. Blackburn 1990, no. 30; Blackburn 1994, no. 10. Inv. 329; Andrew, BNJ 1910; Mack, 104-5; Seaman, BNJ 1978, 62.
421. Allen 2006, no. 107; Blackburn 1990, no. 31; Blackburn 1994, no. 11. Inv. 235; Mack, 105-6; Seaman, BNJ 1978, 63-4.
421a. Information from Hugh Pagan. Metcalf 1958, 90.
422. Allen 2006, no. 109. Blackburn 1994, no. 12. Mack, 102; Blunt, Elmore Jones and Robinson, BNJ 1968, 35-8.
423. Allen 2006, no. 112. Blackburn 1994, no. 13. Inv. 378; Mack, 102; Blunt and Elmore Jones 1969.
424. Allen 2006, no. 111. Coin Hoards 1996, no. 133. 104 Stephen type 1 and Independent types.
425. Allen 2006, no. 113. Blackburn 1994, no. 14. Inv. 80; Mack, 102.
426. Blackburn 1994, no. 15. Rogers 1988. Allen 2006, no. 129.
426a. Information from M. Allen. 23-5 Stephen type 7 coins. From Buckland, Dix and Woods, 28 June 1995, lots 171-191.
427. Blackburn 1994, no. 16. Inv. 63; Mack, 104.
427a. Coin Hoards, 2009, no. 69.
429. Blackburn 1994, no. 16; Crafter 1998, no. 1. Allen 2002, no. 6. Inv. 63; Mack, 104; Grueber, NC 1905; BMC Henry II, pp.lvi-lvii.
430. Crafter 1998, no. 2. Allen 2002, no. 7. Inv. 52; Withy and Ryall, 1756; BMC Henry II, pp.xlvi-xlvii.
430a. Treasure Annual report 2005-6, no. 1169. This hoard has been acquired by the Fitzwilliam Musuem.
431. Blackburn 1990, no. 37; Blackburn 1994, no. 21; Crafter 1998, no. 10. Allen 2002, no. 12. 324 coins sold by Christies, 15 May 1993, lots 1-159.
432. Blackburn 1994, no. 22; Crafter 1998, no. 11. Allen 2002, no. 8. Archibald and Cook 2003, no. 1.
Blackburn 1994, no. 24; Crafter 1998, no. 4.
Inv. 299; Mack, 106; Metcalf, 1977, no. 5; BMC Henry II, pp. xlix-lii.
This hoard contains parcels from various mseums including one originally listed in the checklist:
428 | Bamburgh Castle, Northumbria, 1844 | E | X | N | - | - | c.1060 |
434. Crafter 1998, no. 5. Inv. 113; BMC Henry II, p. xlvi.
435. Crafter 1998, no. 6. Allen 2002, no. 1. Inv. 165; BMC Henry II, p. lvii.
435a. Allen 2002, no. 325.
436. Crafter 1998, no. 7. Allen 2002, no. 9. Archibald and Cook 2001, no. 2.
437. Crafter 1998, no. 8. Allen 2002, no. 5. F. Elmore Jones collection Sale Catalogue, Part III, lot 1702, Glendining's, 7/11/86. Possibly uncertain hoard (n) in BMC Henry II, pp. lvii-lviii.
438. Crafter 1998, no. 9. Allen 2002, no. 10. Inv. 154; BMC Henry II, p. xlvii; Pagan 1969b (NCirc).
438a. Allen 2002, no. 10. Crafter 2005. Crafter 1998, no. 28b. Previously recorded as 'near Middlesborough'. 98 coins, 12 of which are owned by the Dorman.
439. Blackburn 1994, no. 25; Crafter 1998, no. 12. Allen 2002, no. 14. Inv. 381; BMC Henry II, pp. liv-lvi.
440. Crafter 1998, no. 13. Allen 2002, no. 21. Inv. 113.
441. Blackburn 1994, no. 26; Crafter 1998, no. 25. Inv. -; Stewart, BNJ 1964.
442. Crafter 1998, no. 14. Allen 2002, no. 13. Inv. 352; BMC Henry II, pp. xlviii-xlix.
443. Crafter 1998, no. 15. Allen 2002, no. 18. Archibald and Cook 2001, no. 3.
444. Crafter 1998, no. 16. Allen 2002, no. 19. Archibald and Cook, 2001, no. 4.
445. Crafter 1998, no. 17. Allen 2002, no. 15. Inv. 7; BMC Henry II, pp. lii-liii.
446. Crafter 1998, no. 18. Allen 2002, no. 17. Inv. 231; BMC Henry II, p. lix.
447. Crafter 1998, no. 22. BMC Henry II, p. lvi.
448. Coin Hoards 1999, no. 46 and 2000, no. 46. Treasure Annual Report 1998-1999, no. 332. Found in two parcels; the first numbered 147 coins and the second numbered 161 plus 7 fragments. Allen 2002, no. 16.
449. Coin Hoards 1999, no. 42. Treasure Annual Report 1997-1998, no. 144. Allen 2002, no. 2.