Louis XI of France
Louis XI of France (1461-1483), who succeeded to the throne upon his father’s death in July 1461, was crowned on 15 August 1461.
He received this manuscript from the Florentine ambassadors on 2 January 1462. His name is inscribed within the dedication medallion (fol. 1v) and at the start of the author’s prologue addressed to the king (fol. 2r).

Author’s prologue
Donato Acciaiuoli’s prologue addressed to Louis XI opens with a title and an initial C executed in gold leaf. The initial is enveloped in white vine scroll on blue, pink and green background, which also forms the full border, inhabited by cherubs (putti), birds and deer (hotspots 1 and 2). The border also includes medallions with a child’s head and an armoured warrior’s bust, and the royal arms of France supported by putti. The latter show subtle visual and material differences with the putti painted in the same position on fol. 6r (hotspots 3 and 4), supporting the attribution of the decoration to two different artists.
Above the prologue, the name of the French king in the dedication written in gold ink has been amended: LOISIUM (which remained unchanged on fol. 1v) was scraped away and replaced with LODOVICUM. The gold ink used for the substituion is slightly different in composition from the one used elsewhere on the page (hotspot 5).