Script and Textual Contents
Description and Contents
The text on the reverse of the initials is in Latin, written in the rounded Italian type of Gothic bookhand (textualis).
Marlay cutting It. 13A: the initial S opened the Introit to the Mass for the feast of the Purification of the Virgin (2 February), beginning Suscepimus Deus misericordiam, originally on fol. 42 in Corale 2 (a Gradual). The Macro-XRF scan of the reverse reveals the fragmentary rubric, In purifi[catione] b[ea]tissime virgi[nis] Marie. cum can[delae] ceperint dari. In[tr]at cantor
MS 5-1979: the initial D opened the Introit to the Mass for the feast of St Clement (23 November), beginning Dicit dominus sermones mei, originally on fol. 159 in Corale 2 (a Gradual)
Marlay cutting It. 13.i: the initial L opened the responsory for the first lesson of Matins for the feast of St Laurence (10 August), beginning Levita Laurentius bonum operatus, originally on fol. 62 in Corale 19 (an Antiphoner). The fragmentary text on the reverse is from the versicle for the third lesson of the first nocturn at Matins for the feast of St Laurence, [Mea nox obscurum non habet, sed omnia in luce cl]arescunt. B[eate Laurenti martyr Christi intercede pro nobis.] In se[cundo nocturne]
Marlay cutting It. 13.ii: the initial I may have opened the Introit to the Mass for Easter Monday, beginning Introduxit vos Dominus in terram fluentem lac et mel, originally on fol. 19 in Corale 3 (a Gradual) or in another, lost Gradual. The isolated letters and notes on the reverse do not allow for a firm identification
Marlay cutting It. 13A
MS 5-1979
Marlay cutting It. 13.i
Marlay cutting It. 13.ii