Leaves from Choir Books
Sano di Pietro
Sano di Pietro (1405-1481) was one of the most prolific and influential painters and illuminators in 15th-century Siena. He illuminated two of the leaves, MSS 196 and 198. They preserve echoes from his earliest securely dated work, the altarpiece which he completed for the church of the Gesuati and signed in 1444.

Detail of the figure on the left under magnification (7.5x). The dark shadows which appear in the infrared image (right) around the figure’s eyes and jaws, and along his nose and mouth, correspond to areas painted with green earth.

Detail of the figure on the right under magnification (16x).

Detail of the bronze-coloured head under magnification (7.5x). The expressive face is rendered with numerous strokes of organic red and lead white over the shiny mosaic gold base layer.
David trampling on an enemy
This leaf came from a Choir Psalter made for the Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala in Siena c. 1460-1477. The initial D opened Psalm 109 and illustrates its first verse, ‘The Lord said to my Lord: sit thou at my right hand until I make thy enemies thy footstool.’ The image of David trampling on an enemy in full armour was painted by Sano di Pietro.