The Breslau Psalter

Hand G


Hand G painted two full-page miniatures (fols. 114r, 115v). He emulated Hand A’s monumental figures, chromatic juxtapositions and drapery folds, but shared a palette with Hands E and F. Among the Silesian artists, he showed the strongest interest in the work of the Gaibana Master. He borrowed a Byzantine iconographic scheme from the Beatus initial (fol. 23v) for one of his own compositions (fol. 115v).

Christ is shown as Judge, with the Evangelists’ symbols in the corner medallions of the frame. The Virgin and St John the Baptist intercede with him for the salvation of humankind. This Byzantine scene, known as the Deësis, would have reached the Veneto from Constantinople. The Gaibana Master incorporated it into the Beatus initial for Psalm 1 (fol. 23v). The artist responsible for this miniature, Hand G, adopted it for his composition on fol. 115v.