The Hours of Philip the Bold
The Master of the Grandes Heures and the Master of the Coronation Book of Charles V shared the work on the 128 small miniatures with assistants. One of them contributed images to quire 17, including an Adoration of the Magi on a leaf (fol. 128v) whose conjoint leaf contains an Annunciation by the Master of the Grandes Heures (fol. 121r). Quire 35, to which both the Master of the Grandes Heures and the Master of the Coronation Book of Charles V contributed, contains small miniatures by other assistants. This quire illustrates the all-hands-on-deck approach that was probably adopted towards the end of the first campaign.
Folio 122 v
Folio 128 v
Folio 249 v
Folio 250 r