The Hours of Philip the Bold
Other artists of the second campaign
Among the other illuminators who contributed to the second campaign are: a late member of the large group of artists active in Bruges c. 1420-1450 and known as the Masters of the Gold Scrolls, who provided the image of Pentecost (fol. 190r); the artist responsible for the miniature of St Adrian (fol. 237r); and the Dutch artist who painted the miniature of St Mary Magdalene, probably excised from another manuscript before it was pasted onto fol. 254v.
St Mary Magdalene holding an ointment jar (suffrage to St Mary Magdalene)
This 15th-century miniature was cut out of a Dutch manuscript and pasted onto the page. Then the border around it was painted by Marc Caussin, an artist documented in Valenciennes in 1432-1479.