Script and Textual Contents
Description and Contents
The manuscript is written in Latin in Gothic bookhand (textualis).
fols. 2r-7v Calendar (Use of Sarum)
fol. 8r-8v Prayer beginning Suscipere dignare domine
fols. 9r-207v Psalter (Gallican)
fols. 207v-227r Canticles, Te deum, Quicumque vult
fols. 227v-235r Litany with collects
fols. 235v-246r Office of the Dead, with prayers for the dead after Vespers and Lauds
fols. 246r-248v Confession Prayer beginning Confiteor tibi domine
fols. 249r-252r Six Prayers to Christ, Veniam peto coram te domine Ihesu Christe; Deus in cuius diccione cuncta sunt posita; Salvator mundi salvum me fac; Gracias ago tibi domine Ihesu Christe qui me miserum peccatorem in hac nocte custodisti; Gracias ago tibi omnipotens pater qui me dignatus es in hac nocte custodire; Gracias ago tibi omnipotens eterne deus qui me dignatus es in hoc die custodire
Folio 42 r