The Primer of Claude of France
Script and Textual Contents
Description and Contents
The manuscript is written in Latin in Gothic bookhand (textualis). Captions in Old French are inscribed on the architectural frames of the miniatures.
fol. 3r/p. 2 Alphabet (ABC)
fols. 3r-3v/pp. 2-3 Our Father
fols. 3v-4r/pp. 3-4 Hail Mary
fols. 4r-5r/pp. 4-6 Apostles’ Creed
fols. 5r-6v/pp. 6-9 Grace at Mealtimes
fols. 6v-7v/pp. 9-11 Act of Confession, beginning, Misereatur nostri omnipote[n]s deus
fols. 7v-8r/pp. 11-12 Prayer for Mass, beginning, Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus
fols. 8r-8v/pp. 12-13 Prayer for Mass, beginning, Agnus dei qui tollis peccata mundi
fol. 8v/p. 13 Prayer for Mass, beginning, In manus tuas domine co[m]mendo
Folio 5 r/Page 6