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The Fitzwilliam Museum - Inspire: A celebration of children's art
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Inspire: A celebration of children's art

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Inspire: A celebration of children's art in response to Jacopo del Sellaio's 'Cupid and Psyche'

Over the past 12 months, hundreds of local primary school children have visited the Fitzwilliam to look at the painting of Cupid and Psyche with their teachers or parents, and many thousands more have studied it back at school. This exhibition demonstrates the importance of cultural learning for young people at a time when the arts in schools are increasingly under threat, giving young people opportunities to look deeply and thoughtfully at objects and images and to respond creatively through thinking, talking and making together. Modelled on the National Gallery’s 'Take One Picture' programme and in partnership with AccessArt.

INSPIRE2020 builds on our schools and teachers programme and has been designed to support and develop confidence, knowledge and creative thinking:



Creative Thinking

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