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Easter events for families at The Fitzwilliam Museum

A range of exciting activities and events is on offer for children and families at The Fitzwilliam Museum this Easter, from themed trails around the galleries to hand-on workshops.

From Good Friday, visitors will have the opportunity to explore parts of the Museum’s collection by following special Easter-themed gallery trails. The ‘Say it with Hares and Rabbits’ tour will take families hopping around the museum to find long-eared friends on plates, tiles, armour and even Egyptian coffins. For families interested in artistic representation of the Easter story, ‘The Real Easter’ follows the events of the Passion using the paintings in the collection, from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection.

A range of workshops for children and families is also on offer during the Easter holidays. ‘It’s Magic’ (Tuesday 25 March, 10.00-11.30) is a free drop-in session for pre-school children and their carers to look at some magical art, then have a go at making some of their own in our Education Studio. (FREE but booking essential: telephone 01223 332904 or email

Families can participate in the Cambridge Wordfest literary festival with the Museum’s Family Bookmaking Workshop (Sunday 30 March, 14.00-16.30) - bring a member of your family and learn how to make your own book using our exhibition French Tapestry and Illustration to give you some ideas. (£10 double ticket for 1 adult + 1 child: Book through ADC Theatre, tel 01223 300085 or book online ). Accompanied children aged 5 and over can also enjoy ‘Folktale fun at the Fitz!’ (Sunday 30 March 2008, 12.00 - 14.00), a practical folktale workshop where children can hear some old stories, illustrate their own version, learn to bind their own book and make a puppet. (£12 double ticket for 1 adult + 1 child: Book through ADC Theatre, tel 01223 300085 or book online .) Places on these sessions are limited, so families are advised to book early.

For families just wanting to pay a visit to the Museum’s collections, the Museum’s ‘Fitz Kits’ - a range of three different colour-coded activity kits - are available free from the entrance desks all year round. A pack of drawing materials is also available to use during your visit.

Full details of all of the Museum’s Easter events

Cambridge Wordfest website

12 March 2008

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